Universitą degli studi di Pavia


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Second Arturo Falaschi Lecture - 28 May 2012

"Recent Advances in AAV Gene Therapy from the University of Florida" - Prof. Kenneth Berns

Cariplo Course 2012

4 - 8 giugno 2012 - International Course “From molecular and cellular pathways to human health: insights from basic research” funded by Fondazione Cariplo

Exams of the course Cellular bases of development and differentiation

19, 21 and 26 march, room  "A. Falaschi" at IGM - CNR

Prof. Frayer seminar

“Neandertals as Homo sapiens?” 6 marzo 2012


Prof Warren seminar

10 febbraio 2012 AULA MOSCA ore 9:30, Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare, via Forlanini 14 - Pavia

Seminar - Prof. Stan Fakan

25 january at 12:00, Room “Aula Grande” -Botta 2- Via Ferrata 9

Final Exam PhD Programme in Genetic and Biomolecular Sciences - Cycle XXIV

Friday, 20 january 2012. Room "A. Falaschi" IGM-CNR, 9:00

Seminar "Real time PCR - theory and applications"

December 20th 2011, Room "A. Buzzati Traverso", Dept. Biology and Biotechnology, h 14:30

Seminar "Patenting Life: Politics of Innovation"

December 15, 2011 - room "A. Buzzati Traverso" at the Dept. of Biology and Biotechnology, h. 14:00

II year students' presentation (Cycle XXV)

14 november 2011 - Aula "Arturo Falaschi" IGM-CNR

650° Ateneo - PhD Programs Day

On May 24th, 2011 a "PhD Programs Day" was held in Aula Magna to highlight the excellence of the PhD program in Genetics and Biomolecular Sciences during the celebrations for the 650th anniversary of the University of Pavia.

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