Università degli studi di Pavia


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Application to PhD Programme 2012 - 2013 Cycle XXVIII

The call for applications to the PhD Programs for academic year 2012 - 2013 (XXVIII Cycle), including the PhD Program in Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology has been published and has a deadline at July 18th, 2012.
The call and instructions on how to apply can be  found on the University of Pavia website follwing this link:


Additional information for the PhD Program in Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology: written text for admission

The complete list of arguments that will be used for the written entry exam for the admission to the PhD Program can be downloaded HERE.
The topics (45) are divided into three groups; one topic for each group will be selected for the written examination. Candidates should elaborate on all the three topics, either at the same level of detail, or selecting one of the topics for a more in depth description. For each topic there will be a limitation in the maximum length of the text, that should not exceed four A4 pages.

See also at the link Admission Procedures on this site
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