Universitą degli studi di Pavia


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Seminar "How to cope with an (AIRC) grant application? Lessons from peer reviewing"

Dear students and staff,

a seminar on "How to cope with an (AIRC) grant application? Lessons from peer reviewing", organized by Prof. Mattevi in the PhD program Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology will be held on december 12th, 2011 at 15:00 in the Aula A. Falaschi of IGM-CNR by Dr. Lisa Vozza and two collaborators of the AIRC Scientific Board.
The seminar will analyse the peer reviewing mechanisms of grant applications and will describe new professional opportunities in the field of the evaluation and managing of research projects.

The partecipation is mandatory for the PhD students of the programs: Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology and Genetic and Biomolecular Sciences.

With regards,

Elena Raimondi and Chiara Mondello


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