Universitą degli studi di Pavia
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University of Pavia summer school on ‘Emerging viral threats’
The pandemic has highlighted the need for young scientists with a vast, multidisciplinary array of skills. To face the challenges of today and tomorrow we need virologists, epidemiologists, molecular biologists, immunologists and bioinformaticians, but most of all we need researchers and clinicians that can work at the interface between these fields.
The summer school on ‘Emerging viral threats’ of the University of Pavia gathers world-leading experts that will provide students with both theoretical knowledge (from epidemiology to vaccinology of SARS-CoV2 to mammalian and vector-borne emerging viruses) and practical skills in data analysis and bioinformatics.
The aim of the school is to provide Ph.D. students and early-stage researchers with all the tools to work in the highly dynamic and broad field of virology research.
Dates: September 6-10 2021
This programme will be delivered fully online. Apply today!
The pandemic has highlighted the need for young scientists with a vast, multidisciplinary array of skills. To face the challenges of today and tomorrow we need virologists, epidemiologists, molecular biologists, immunologists and bioinformaticians, but most of all we need researchers and clinicians that can work at the interface between these fields.
The summer school on ‘Emerging viral threats’ of the University of Pavia gathers world-leading experts that will provide students with both theoretical knowledge (from epidemiology to vaccinology of SARS-CoV2 to mammalian and vector-borne emerging viruses) and practical skills in data analysis and bioinformatics.
The aim of the school is to provide Ph.D. students and early-stage researchers with all the tools to work in the highly dynamic and broad field of virology research.
Dates: September 6-10 2021
This programme will be delivered fully online. Apply today!

PhD Program Director
Teaching Committee
Web site manager
Teaching Committee
Prof. Chiara Mondello
Istituto di Genetica Molecolare del CNR, Pavia
Tel.: ++39 0382 546332
Email: mondello@igm.cnr.it
Prof. Elena Raimondi
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie, Pavia
Tel.: ++39 0382 985556
Email: elena.raimondi@unipv.it
Istituto di Genetica Molecolare del CNR, Pavia
Tel.: ++39 0382 546332
Email: mondello@igm.cnr.it
Prof. Elena Raimondi
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie, Pavia
Tel.: ++39 0382 985556
Email: elena.raimondi@unipv.it
Web site manager
PhD Program in Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Over the last two decades, productive interactions among the different biological disciplines greatly increased understanding of the main molecular mechanisms underlying human, animal, microorganism and plant vital functions. This multidisciplinary approach not only amplified basic knowledge, but also allowed the development of new biotechnological applications that are having a major impact in the fields of human health, nutrition and energy. The three-year PhD program in Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology offers a variegated and multidisciplinary approach to investigate biological issues al the molecular and cellular levels.
This PhD program was established in 2011 on the occasion of the 650th anniversary of the University of Pavia, through the fusion of previously existing and well established PhD programs at the University of Pavia, which have trained doctoral students for decades in different areas of Biology.
Numerous faculty members from different Departments of the University of Pavia (Biology and Biotechnology, Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, Molecular Medicine) together with members of the Institute of Molecular Genetics "Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza" of the National Research Council (IGM-CNR) and a group of researchers from foreign institutions, participate in the program. The background and areas of expertise are broad and complementary, from the fields of human and animal genetics, molecular and cellular biology, human pathology, microbiology, virology and plant physiology.
The integrated approach offered by the program has the objective of training young researchers who are capable to tackle challenges that arise from the “new biology”, a modern discipline aiming at a deeper understanding of complex biological phenomena by means of multiple expertise. PhD students, through lab research activity and dedicated and well defined courses in the three-year program, have the opportunity to acquire knowledge on frontline topics and technologies, an essential background to perform high-level research in our rapidly evolving society. The PhD thesis is also in English.
This PhD program was established in 2011 on the occasion of the 650th anniversary of the University of Pavia, through the fusion of previously existing and well established PhD programs at the University of Pavia, which have trained doctoral students for decades in different areas of Biology.
Numerous faculty members from different Departments of the University of Pavia (Biology and Biotechnology, Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, Molecular Medicine) together with members of the Institute of Molecular Genetics "Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza" of the National Research Council (IGM-CNR) and a group of researchers from foreign institutions, participate in the program. The background and areas of expertise are broad and complementary, from the fields of human and animal genetics, molecular and cellular biology, human pathology, microbiology, virology and plant physiology.
The integrated approach offered by the program has the objective of training young researchers who are capable to tackle challenges that arise from the “new biology”, a modern discipline aiming at a deeper understanding of complex biological phenomena by means of multiple expertise. PhD students, through lab research activity and dedicated and well defined courses in the three-year program, have the opportunity to acquire knowledge on frontline topics and technologies, an essential background to perform high-level research in our rapidly evolving society. The PhD thesis is also in English.