Universitą degli studi di Pavia


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Raveane's curriculum


Personal information

Laurea Magistralis in Molecular Genetics and Biology
University of Pavia
Thesis: The origin of modern Panamanians: the Y-chromosome perspective, 110/110 with honors
Supervisor: Ornella Semino
Co-Supervisor: Viola Grugni

First Level Degree in Biological Sciences
University of Pavia
Thesis: Characterization of the haplougroup R1b-M269 in Sardinia, 107/110
Supervisor: Ornella Semino
Co-Supervisor: Viola Grugni

Higher School
Liceo Scientifico A. Avogadro, 74/100

Research Experiences

Undergraduate Researcher (as part of Thesis work) 2012-2014
University of Pavia
⋅ Analysis of Y-chromosome variation (STRs, SNPs) in Panama population.
⋅ Analysis of Y-chromosome variation (STRs, SNPs) in Italian and in Balearic Island populations.
⋅ .Bioinformatic analysis of the most important bitter taste genes in order to identify informative SNPs to be analysed in cases/control study on “Genetics of taste perception, life style, health status and colorectal cancer risk”; analysis of some of the selected SNPs.

Undergraduate Researcher (as part of Thesis work) 2011-2012
University of Pavia
⋅ Acquisition of the principal molecular genetics techniques, and their application in order to characterize the Sardinian population.

Teaching Experiences

⋅ 2014. During the last year that I spent in the Human Genetics of Population Laboratory directed by Prof. Ornella Semino I supervised the laboratory work of two students: Giulia Chiappa (1-University degree in Natural Sciences) and Camilla Carmeno (1-University degree in Biological Sciences).
⋅ 2014-15- Teacher assistant in Genetics (Prof.ssa Ornella Semino), program in Natural Sciences, University of Pavia.


Laboratory Competences:
⋅ Extraction of the Nuclear Human DNA using Phenol/Chloroform
⋅ Quantification of the DNA
⋅ PCR technique
⋅ Electrophoresis analysis
⋅ RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms) analysis
⋅ DHPLC (Denaturing High Performance Liquid Chromatography) analysis
⋅ Sequencing of human gene
⋅ Data statistical analysis (principal component analysis, network analysis)

Informatic Competences: 
⋅ Competences in Operating System Windows, Mac OS
⋅ ECDL Licence
⋅ Competences in the use of the principal Scientific Search Engines and Databases (UCSC, NCBI, ISOGG, 1000 Genomes, OMIM)
⋅ Sequencher 5.2 program that allows to read the sequences
⋅ Network 4.612 program that generates network and trees from genetic data
⋅ UVI-1D program that allows to see and to modify the Electrophoretic Pictures


Grugni V., Battaglia V., Perego U.A., Lancioni H., Tribaldos M., Olivieri A., Cardinali I., Rizzi E., Raveane A., Woodward S.R., Pascale J.M., Cooke R., Myres N., Torroni A., Motta J., Achilli A., Semino O. (2014) The origin of modern Panamanians: the Y-chromosome perspective. Abstr. of the XIII FISV National Congress, Pisa, Italy, 24-27 September, 2014.

Achilli A., Battaglia V., Grugni V., Perego U.A., Lancioni H., Tribaldos M., Olivieri A., Cardinali I., Rizzi E., Raveane A., Capodiferro M.R., Woodward S.R., Pascale J.M., R Cooke R., Myres N., Torroni A., Motta J., Semino O.(2014) Exploring the Y-Chromosome Variation of Modern Panamanians. Abstr. of the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics 2014, San Diego, CA, USA, 18 - 22 October 2014.

Abou Khouzam R., Grugni V., Raveane A., Marabelli M., Molinaro V., Polizzi S., Morini G., Semino O., Ranzani GN. (2014) Bitter taste receptor polymorphisms and colorectal cancer risk. Abstr. of the XII Congresso A.I.F.E.G. (Associazione Italiana Famigliaritą ed ereditarietą dei tumori Gastroenterici), Varese, Italy, 16-17 October, 2014.

Research Project

Analysis of genetic variability in human populations
The research activity of my PhD will focus on the characterization human populations mainly through the analysis of uniparental markers.
In particular, during the first year: (1) I will study of the Y chromosome variation in American populations; (2) I will analyse the variability of main genes involved in taste perception (in collaboration with the group of Prof. Ranzani).

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