Università degli studi di Pavia


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Giulia Barbieri

PhD in Genetic and Biomolecular Sciences - Cycle XXIII. Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Sergio Comincini

Cristina Belgiovine

PhD in Genetic and Biomolecular Sciences - Cycle XXII. Scientific Supervisor: Dr. Chiara Mondello

Paolo Gabrieli

PhD in Cellular Biology - Cycle XXIII. Scientific supervisor: Prof. Giuliano Gasperi.

Anna Garbelli

PhD in Genetic and Biomolecular Sciences - Cycle XXIII. Scientific Supervisor: Dr. Giovanni Maga (IGM CNR)

Erica Gini

PhD in Cellular Biology - Cycle XXIII. Scientific supervisor: Prof. Maria Isabel Sande de Freitas.

Aristotele Karytinos

PhD in Genetic and Biomolecular SCiences - Cycle XXIII. Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Binda

Alexandra Kataropoulou

PhD in Genetic and Biomolecular Sciences - Cycle XXIII. Scientific supervisor: Dr. Giovanni Maga (IGM CNR)

Valentina La Rosa

PhD in Genetic and Biomolecular Sciences - Cycle XXIII. Scientific supervisor: Prof. Edda De Rossi.

Valentina Leva

PhD in Genetic and Biomolecular Sciences - Cycle XXIII. Scientific supervisor: Dr. Alessandra Montecucco (IGM CNR)

Anna Paola Lucarelli

PhD in Genetic and Biomolecular Sciences - Cycle XXIII. Scientific supervisor: Prof. Giovanna Riccardi

Anca Macovei

PhD in Genetic and Biomolecular Sciences - Cycle XXIII. Scientific supervisor: Prof. Alma Balestrazzi

Francesca Pasi

PhD in Cellular Biology - Cycle XXIII. Scientific supervisor: Prof. Rosanna Nano.

Bruno Octavio Rodriguez Vaz

PhD in Genetic and Biomolecular Sciences - Cycle XXIII. Scientific supervisor: Dr. Miria Stefanini (IGM CNR)

Giada Santin

PhD in Cellular Biology - Cycle XXIII. Scientific supervisor: Dr. Maria Grazia Bottone.

Pamela Vidale

PhD in Genetic and Biomolecular Sciences - Cycle XXIII. Scientific supervisor: Prof. Elena Giulotto
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