Università degli studi di Pavia


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Tagliacarne's cv



First name and Surname: Sara Carlotta Tagliacarne
Adress: via Cairoli 2, 27051 Cava Manara (PV) Italy
Date and place of birth: 02/10/1987, Pavia (PV) Italy
Phone: 3332345803,
e-mail: saracarlotta.tagliacarne01@ateneopv.it


October 2010 - June 2012: Master of Science (MS), Experimental and applied Biology - Human biology and biomedical sciences, 110/110 with honors, University of Pavia, Italy. Title of the thesis: Evaluation of the influece of passive smoke and atopy on adenoid immunity in pediatric patients. Supervisor Prof.sa Annamaria Castellazzi, second supervisor Prof.sa Livia Bianchi.

October 2007 - July 2010: Bechelor's degree, Medical biotechnology, 100/110, University of Pavia, Italy. Title of the thesis: Allergy to egg proteins: “In vitro” response to lysozyme content in the Grana Padano cheese of lymphocytes of pediatric patients. Supervisor Prof.sa Annamaria Castellazzi.

September 2001 - July 2006: High school certification, experimental high school in science and informatics, 90/100. Liceo Niccolo Copernico (Liceo Scientifico), Pavia (Italy).


Technical skills: work in sterile conditions, cell cultures techniques, analysis of cell morphology using flow cytometry, stimulation and cell proliferation assays, enzimatic assays: ELISA (Enzime – linked immunosorbent assays).
Computer skills: use of Microsoft programs like Word, Power Point, Excel.
Foreign language: good knowledge of written and spoken English, experiences abroad.


Training and voluntary attendance at Immunity and Nutrition Laboratory, (responsible Dr.ssa Annamaria Castellazzi), University of Pavia c/o IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo.

PUBBLICATIONS (currently under review at targetd magazines):

“Valutazione dell’immunità adenoidea in età pediatrica mediante la caratterizzazione citofluorimetrica dei linfociti T follicolari e B regolatori” Tagliacarne S.C , Valsecchi C, Castellazzi A.M. Lettere GIC.

“Evaluation of the effects of a probiotic supplementation on intestinal microflora and secretory IgA production, during antibiotic therapy, in children affected by recurrent airway infections”. Valsecchi C1, Marseglia A, Montagna L, Tagliacarne S.C., Villani S, Elli M, Castellazzi A.M. Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic agents.


Identification of new cell populations in healthy subjects and / or subjects undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).
The transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCT) consists in the infusion of multipotent hematopoietic stem cells, usually derived from bone marrow, peripheral blood or umbilical cord. HSCT is, today, an effective therapy for many patients suffering from hematologic congenital or acquired disorders, both malignant and non-malignant origin. In patients with hematologic malignancies, the main therapeutic effect of HSCT depends on the immune response, mediated by various effector cells of the immune system rebuilt, in comparisons of neoplastic cells survived the conditioning phase: this reaction effect takes the name of Graft-versus-Leukemia (GvL). The GvL is the best and most effective example of adoptive immunotherapy. The study aims to identify and characterize new populations of cells belonging of the immune system in healthy subjects exposed or not to inflammatory stimuli (eg passive smoking), and to assess the immune status of patients undergoing HSCT and so highly immunocompromised and their degree of response to treatment.

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