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De Gaetano's CV


NAME: Anna De Gaetano
ADRESS: via San Leone II Papa, 2 98057 Milazzo, ME, Italy
TELEPHONE: 0909210702
CELLPHONE: 3271625965
E-MAIL: anna.degaetano@unipv.it
DATE OF BIRTH: 04th December 1985
PLACE OF BIRTH: Messina, ME, Italy


November 2010 to present: PhD course in Biomolecular and Genetic Sciences at the University of Pavia, Italy

November 2010: State examination for the qualification to the profession of Biologist

October 2008 to September 2010: Laurea Specialistica (2-years course, Master of Science equivalent) in Experimental and Applied Biology at the University of Pavia, Italy.
Thesis title: “Il nuovo aplogruppo mitocondriale R: un contributo degli uri italiani alle razze taurine moderne?” (The new mitocondrial haplogroup R: a contribution of Italian aurochsen to modern cattle breeds?)
Final grade: 110/110 cum laude

September 2004 to July 2008: laurea di primo livello (3-year undergraduate course, Bachelor of science equivalent) in Biological Sciences at the University of Messina, Italy
Thesis title: “Tensioattivi ecocompatibili e biodegradabili: struttura, sintesi e applicazioni dei biosurfattanti” (Environmentally friendly and biodegradable surfactants: structure, synthesis and applications of biosurfactants)
Final grade: 110/110 cum laude

September 1999 to July 2004: Diploma di Istruzione Secondaria superiore Liceo Scientifico (High school degree) Istituto di Istruzione secondaria superiore “Antonio Meucci”, Milazzo, Messina, Italy;
Final grade: 100/100


November 2010 to present: PhD student of PhD course in Biomolecular and Genetic Sciences. The research project is being carried out in the Animal Genetics laboratory, directed by Professor Luca Ferretti, at the Department of Genetics and Microbiology, University of Pavia. Main research topics: analysis of Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA variation
in Bos taurus.

Didactitic experience: Tutor of Genetics for students attending Laurea di primo livello in Biotechnology at the University of Pavia during academic year 2011/2012

October 2008 to July 2010: Post-graduate student. Thesis work on analysis of cattle mitochondrial DNA variation. The research project has been carried out in the Animal Genetics laboratory, directed by Professor Luca Ferretti, at the Department of Genetics and Microbiology, University of Pavia

March 2010 to May 2010: Didactitic experience: Tutor of Bioinformatics for students attending Laurea di primo livello in Biological Sciences at the University of Pavia.

December 2006 – April 2007: Undergraduate student to “U.O.C. di Patologia Clinica, P.O. “G. Fogliani” – Milazzo, Azienda U.S.L. 5 – Messina”.


Technical Skills:
PCR; nucleic acid purification; sequence, RFLP and microsatellites analysis; agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA.
Understanding of methods and tests that are conducted in a laboratory of clinical pathology unit complex.

Informatics skills:
Good knowledge of Windows and Mac operating systems.and of the Microsoft Office applications. Acceptable knowledge of graphics editing program (Paint, Adobe Photoshop). User of basic Bioinformatic tools; skilled user of “Sequencher 4.9” software.

Liguistic proficiences:
Mother language, Italian
Good written and spoken English

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