Universitą degli studi di Pavia


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Vella research activity

My PhD research project takes place in the laboratory of Cytogenetics headed by Prof. Elena Raimondi. My work is included in the study of mammalian genomes plasticity. In particular, consist in the study of transposable elements named ERE (Equine Repetitive Elements) that belong to SINEs (Short Interspersed Nuclear Elements). ERE elements show insertion polymorphism in the equine population. The purpose of this research is, by the analysis of insertion polymorphism, to identify ancestral ERE insertion loci suitable for phylogenetic analysis of Equidae species, and also to identify recently inserted loci suitable as equine breed markers. Furthermore, another purpose of this research is to evaluate the role of these transposable elements, either considering the influence on gene expression, either evaluating its role in genomic plasticity. This project is the result of a collaboration between the laboratory of Cytogenetics, and the laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology headed by Prof. Elena Giulotto.
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