Universitą degli studi di Pavia


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Messa's CV


E-mail jolemessa@hotmail.com jole.messa@unipv.it
Nationality Italian

Date of Birth 11.12.1979


Name ad address of the employer June2004-currently: Universitą degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Patologia Umana ed Ereditaria, Laboratorio di Citogenetica Molecolare (Professor Orsetta Zuffardi).

Main activities and responsibilities Responsible for the entire section on diagnostic analysis of molecular cytogenetics by FISH (subtelomeric sequence analysis, microdeletion syndromes, painting probes) and for all the cultures of amniotic fluid and chorionic villus.


Ph. D. in Pathology and Medical Genetics (Universitą degli Studi di Pavia, october 2008-currently, dissertation provided in March 2012).
Specialization in Medical Genetics (Universitą degli Studi di Pavia, october 2004-october 2008; thesis title: “Study of 33 ring chromosomes: genotype-phenotype correlations and identification of a new way of training”, 50/50 cum laude).
Achievement in May 2004 as a biologist qualified to practice.
Degree in Biology (Universitą degli Studi di Pavia ,october 1998-april 2004; thesis title: “Balanced trans location t(1:3) and lympho-proliferative diseases”, 106/110).

Principal occupational skills covered Cell Biology: preparation of amniotic fluid, chorionic villus sampling and analysis with microscope.

Cytogenetics: analysis of human karyotype with banding Q and G. Use of the main techniques of chromosome staining.

Diagnostic cytogenetic: prenatal diagnosis by analysis of the karyotype in bands Q. Diagnostic tests using molecular cytogenetic FISH (subtelomeric sequence analysis, microdeletion syndromes, painting probes).

Molecular cytogenetic marking of plasmid DNA by Nick translation. FISH (Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization) with BACs, PACs, and cosmid probes trading.

Molecular Biology: extraction of plasmid DNA from E. coli. Enzymatic digestion, Array-CGH,PCR, Next generation sequencing.

Microscopy: good knowledge of the optical microscope, fluorescence microscope and inverted microscope.

Bioinformatics: knowledge of main Human Genome Database: NCBI, Ensembl, UCSC, DUMP. Analysis of results of microarray-CGH using AgilentCGH-SPAN software. Utilization of MacProbe, and macType Genikon.

Scientific presentation and teaching activities

In 2005 she lectured in the School of Specialization in Medical Genetics at the University of Pavia titled "The Roberts syndrome" and in 2006 a lecture entitled "The ring chromosome 15syndrome" always within the school's specialty in Medical Genetics.
Diagnostic cytogenetic: prenatal diagnosis by analysis of the karyotype in bands Q. Partecipation as speaker in april 2006 in Troina at "2nd International Meeting on Cryptic chromosomal rearrangements in mental retardation and autism" with a relation entitled: "Phenotypic definition and neuropsychiatric assessment in eightcases of distal 15q deletions”.
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