Universitą degli studi di Pavia


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Piccolini publications


· Piccolini VM, Cerri S, De Pascali SA, Migoni D, Fanizzi FP, Bottone MG, Bernocchi G. Cisplatin and [Pt(O,O’-acac)(gamma-acac)(DMS)] effects on neural tissue and cells –a comparative assessment-. 2nd National Meeting of PhD Students in Neuroscience, Naples, Italy, April 17, 2009.
· G Santin, MG Bottone, VM Piccolini, P Veneroni, SA De Pascali, D Migoni, S Marsigliante, FP Fanizzi and G Bernocchi. Apoptosis induced by platinum compounds in B50 cells. IV Meeting on the Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration. Milan, Italy, University of Milan, May 8-10, 2009.
· Cerri S., Piccolini V.M., Romanelli E., Lujįn R., Bernocchi G. Changes in the expression of neurotransmission molecular markers in the developing hippocampal formation after cytotoxic injury. Cajal Club International Symposium Camillo Golgi and Modern Neuroscience. Pavia, Italy, September 30th- October 1st 2009.
· Piccolini VM, Santin G, Veneroni P, De Pascali SA, Migoni D, Fanizzi FP, Barni S, Bernocchi G and Bottone MG. Different cellular death pathway induced by platinum compounds in neuroblastoma rat cells: immunocytochemical and morphological study. Riunione nazionale dottorandi e borsisti italiani in neuroscienze e materie affini. Busto Arsizio, Italy, May 27-28, 2010.
· Piccolini VM, Dal Bo Veronica, De Pascali S, Migoni D, Fanizzi FP, Barni S, Bottone MG, Fenoglio C, Bernocchi G. Developing central nervous system and vulnerability to platinum compounds: molecular markers of cell proliferation and death, and cell differentiation. V meeting on the Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration. Milan, Italy, University of Milan, May 13-15, 2011.
· Bottone MG, Santin G, Piccolini VM, Veneroni P, Barni S, Dal Bo V, Fanizzi FP, Bernocchi G. Cell death induced by platinum compounds in B50 neuroblastoma rat cells. 34th national congress of the Italian society of histochemistry. San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy, June 7-9, 2011.
· Piccolini VM, Dal Bo Veronica, Bottone MG, Fenoglio C, De Pascali S, Fanizzi FP, Bernocchi G. Platinum compound treatment and neurotoxicity during CNS development: wxpression of calcium-binding proteins and neurofilament protein in the rat hippocampal formation. 8th IBRO world congress of neuroscience. Florence, Italy, July 14-18, 2011.


1. Cerri S, Piccolini VM, Bernocchi G (2010). Postnatal development of Central Nervous System: anomalies in the formation of cerebellum fissures. THE ANATOMICAL RECORD. 293: 492-501.
2. Roda E, Cerri S, Piccolini VM, Bottiroli G, Lambiase S, Bernocchi G (2010). The insect brain as a model to investigate the PCB effects. Changes of NOS-dependent NADPH diaphorase activity in Blattella germanica. Res. Adv. In Anatomy. Ed. RM Mohan, Global Research Network, Kerala, India, pp. 1-13.
3. Cerri S, Piccolini VM, Santin G, Bottone MG, De Pascali S, Migoni D, Iadarola P, Fanizzi FP, Bernocchi G (2011). The developmental neurotoxicity study of platinum compounds. Effects of cisplatin versus a novel Pt(II) complex on rat cerebellum. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 33: 273-281.
4. Santin G, Piccolini VM, Veneroni P, Barni S, Bernocchi G, Bottone MG (2011). Different pattern of apoptosis in response to cisplatin in B50 neuroblastoma rat cells. Histology and Hystopathology. 26: 831-842.
5. Bernocchi G, Bottone MG, Piccolini VM, Dal Bo V, Santin G, De Pascali SA, Migoni D, Fanizzi PF (2011). Developing central nervous system and vulnerability to platinum compounds. Chemotherapy Research and Practice, Issue: “Platinum analogues in chemotherapy”. Volume 2011, Article ID 315418, 14 pages.
6. Bottone MG, Santin G, Piccolini VM, Dal Bo V, Bernocchi G (2011). Cisplatin neurotoxicity induces cell death in vivo and in vitro. Cisplatin: Pharmacology, Clinical Uses and Adverse Effects. NOVA publishers. In publication.
7. Piccolini VM, Cerri S, Romanelli E, Bernocchi G (2011). Interactions of neurotransmitter systems during postnatal development of rat hippocampal formation: effects of cisplatin treatment. Submitted to Experimental Neurology.

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