Università degli studi di Pavia
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Bergamaschi's curriculum
Personal information
Paola Bergamaschi
Telephone(s) +39 0382-503088
Fax(es) +39 0382-503141
E-mail bergamaschi.paola.01@ateneo.pv.it
Occupational field
Transfusion Service physician and CBB Search Coordinator (Service of Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine, Pavia Cord Blood Bank and Immunogenetics Laboratory, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy).
Work experience
November 2009 – present: Hospital employee (Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy)
October 2004- November 2009: Research grants
Education and training
2008 ESH-EBMT Training Course on Cord Blood (Paris, France)
2006 ESH-EBMT Training Course on Blood and Marrow Transplantation (Warsaw, Poland)
2004 Post-graduation degree in Clinical Pathology, Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine (School of Clinical Pathology, University of Pavia, Pavia, IT)
1997 Degree in Medicine (Faculty of Medicine, University of Pavia, Pavia, IT)
Additiomal information
Member of the EBMT Society
More than 100 abstracts communicated to the annual meetings of EBMT - European Society for Blood and Marrow transplantation, ASH - American Society of Hematology, EHA - European Hematology Association, ISBT - International Society of Blood Transfusion, EFI - European Federation of Immunogenetics Conference, SIdEM – Italian Society for Hemapheresis, SIMTI, Italian Society of Transfusion Services, and published on the related official journals (Transfusion, Vox Sanguinis, Blood, Haematologica, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Tissue Antigens, Blood Transfusion).
Research project
Genetics of human populations. Studying the genotype variability in mothers and cord blood/newborns
Description: Study of the mother’s and infant donor’s genotypes in the cord blood bank, HLA and other genetic systems.
Paola Bergamaschi
Telephone(s) +39 0382-503088
Fax(es) +39 0382-503141
E-mail bergamaschi.paola.01@ateneo.pv.it
Occupational field
Transfusion Service physician and CBB Search Coordinator (Service of Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine, Pavia Cord Blood Bank and Immunogenetics Laboratory, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy).
Work experience
November 2009 – present: Hospital employee (Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy)
October 2004- November 2009: Research grants
Education and training
2008 ESH-EBMT Training Course on Cord Blood (Paris, France)
2006 ESH-EBMT Training Course on Blood and Marrow Transplantation (Warsaw, Poland)
2004 Post-graduation degree in Clinical Pathology, Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine (School of Clinical Pathology, University of Pavia, Pavia, IT)
1997 Degree in Medicine (Faculty of Medicine, University of Pavia, Pavia, IT)
Additiomal information
Member of the EBMT Society
- Lamas CH, Heredia C, Michel G, Bittencourt H, Tavella M, Panepucci RA, Fernandes F, Pavan J, Gluckman E, Rocha V - An analysis on behalf of Eurocord, Cord Blood Committee Cellular Therapy - Immunobiology Working Party of EBMT, Netcord and Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - Faculdade de Medicina de São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo. Impact of CTLA4 genotype and other immune response gene polymorphisms on outcomes after single umbilical cord blood transplantation. Blood, 2016 Nov 3. doi:10.1182/blood-2016-06-722249
- Capittini C, Bergamaschi P, Sachetto S, Truglio M, Viola M, Marchesi A, Genovese V, Romano B, Guarene M, Poma R, Martinetti M, Tinelli C, Salvaneschi L. THE PLASMA LEVELS OF SOLUBLE HLA-G MOLECULES CORRELATE DIRECTLY WITH CD34+ CELL CONCENTRATION AND HLA-G 14BP INSERTION/INSERTION POLYMORPHISM IN CORD BLOOD DONORS. Blood Transfusion January 2014, 23:1-6.
- Rocha V, Spellman S, Zhang MJ, Ruggeri A, Purtill D, Brady C, Baxter-Lowe LA, Baudoux E, Bergamaschi P, Chow R, Freed B, Koegler G, Kurtzberg J, Larghero J, Lecchi L, Nagler A, Navarrette C, Prasad V, Pouthier F, Price T, Ratanatharathorn V, van Rood JJ, Horowitz MM, Gluckman E, Eapen M; Eurocord-European Blood and Marrow Transplant Group and the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research EFFECT OF HLA-MATCHING RECIPIENTS TO DONOR NONINHERITED MATERNAL ANTIGENS ON OUTCOMES AFTER MISMATCHED UMBILICAL CORD BLOOD TRANSPLANTATION FOR HEMATOLOGIC MALIGNANCY. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation December 2012;18(12):1890-6.
- C.Capittini , P.Bergamaschi , A.De Silvestri, A.Marchesi, V.Genovese, B.Romano, E.Kurici, M.Guarene, C.Badulli, A.Pasi, M.Martinetti , M.Cuccia, L.Salvaneschi. INTRAGENOMIC CONFLICT OF MATERNAL HLA HAPLOTYPES: A POTENTIAL LINK BETWEEN VIGOROUS INTRAUTERINE GROWTH AND RISK OF AUTOIMMUNITY IN ADULTHOOD. Molecular Reproduction and Development March 2012, 79(3): 162.
- C.Capittini , P.Bergamaschi , A.De Silvestri, A.Marchesi, V.Genovese, B.Romano, C.Tinelli, L.Salvaneschi. BIRTH-WEIGHT AS A RISK FACTOR FOR CANCER IN ADULTHOOD: THE STEM CELL PERSPECTIVE. Maturitas. May 2011, 69(1): 91-3.
- I.Sbarsi, P.Bergamaschi, M.Martinetti and L.Salvaneschi. ON THE BENEFIT OF BLOOD GROUP MOLECULAR GENOTYPING IN CORD BLOOD BANKING. Vox Sanguinis, November 2009, 97: 360-361
- C.Capittini, A.Pasi, P.Bergamaschi, C.Tinelli, A.De Silvestri, M.P.Mercati, C.Badulli, F.Garlaschelli, I.Sbarsi, M.Guarene, M.Martinetti, L.Salvaneschi and M.Cuccia. HLA HAPLOTYPES AND BIRTH WEIGHT VARIATION: IS YOUR FUTURE GOING TO BE LIGHT OR HEAVY? Tissue Antigens, August 2009, 74: 156-163
- C.Del Fante, C.Perotti, G.Viarengo, P.Bergamaschi, C.Tinelli, L.Bellotti, A.Marchesi, C.Parisi and L.Salvaneschi. IMMUNOMAGNETIC CELL SELECTION PERFORMED FOR HLA HAPLOIDENTICAL TRANSPLANTS WITH CLINIMACS DEVICE: EFFECT OF ADDITIONAL PLATELET REMOVAL ON CD34+ CELL RECOVERY. Stem Cells and Development, December 2005, 14: 734-739
- C.Perotti, C.Del Fante, G.Viarengo, S.Perlini, M.Vezzoli, G.Rodi, A.Palo, P.Bergamaschi and L.Salvaneschi. PERIPHERAL BLOOD PROGENITOR CELL MOBILIZATION AND COLLECTION IN 42 PATIENTS WITH PRIMARY SYSTEMIC AMYLOIDOSIS. Transfusion, November 2005, 45: 1729-1734
- C.Perotti, C.Del Fante, G.Viarengo, P.Bergamaschi, C.Tinelli, L.Bellotti, A.Marchesi, C.Parisi and L.Salvaneschi. IMPACT OF LEUKAPHERESIS CELL COMPOSITION ON IMMUNOMAGNETIC CELL SELECTION WITH THE BAXTER ISOLEX 300i DEVICE: A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. Stem Cells and Development, August 2004, 13: 350-356
- C.Perotti, C.Del Fante, G.Viarengo, P.Papa, L.Rocchi, P.Bergamaschi, L.Bellotti, A.Marchesi and L.Salvaneschi. A NEW AUTOMATED CELL WASHER DEVICE FOR THAWED CORD BLOOD UNITS. Transfusion, June 2004, 44: 900-906
- L.Salvaneschi, C.Perotti, M. Zecca, S. Bernuzzi, G. Viarengo, G. Giorgiani, C.Del Fante, P.Bergamaschi, R.Maccario, A.Pession and F.Locatelli. EXTRACORPOREAL PHOTOCHEMOTHERAPY FOR TREATMENT OF ACUTE AND CHRONIC GRAFT VERSUS HOST DISEASE IN CHILDHOOD. Transfusion, October 2001, 41: 1299-1305
More than 100 abstracts communicated to the annual meetings of EBMT - European Society for Blood and Marrow transplantation, ASH - American Society of Hematology, EHA - European Hematology Association, ISBT - International Society of Blood Transfusion, EFI - European Federation of Immunogenetics Conference, SIdEM – Italian Society for Hemapheresis, SIMTI, Italian Society of Transfusion Services, and published on the related official journals (Transfusion, Vox Sanguinis, Blood, Haematologica, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Tissue Antigens, Blood Transfusion).
- Sbarsi I, Cremaschi AL, Guarene M, Cacciatore R, Brandini S, Raveane A, Olivieri A, Grugni V, Romano B, Semino O, Torroni A, Pasi A e Bergamaschi P. La tipizzazione HLA di classe II fornisce indicazioni su origine etnica e geografica di potenziali donatori di CSE. Dati preliminari della banca SCO di Pavia. XXIII Congresso Nazionale AIBT (Associazione Italiana di Immunogenetica e Biologia dei Trapianti), L’Aquila 6-8 ottobre 2016. Book of abstracts.
- Brandini S, Bergamaschi P, Cerna MF, Bastaroli F, Bertolini E, Semino O, Achilli A, Olivieri A, Torroni A. Mitogenome variation in Ecuador (and Peru): new clues on the first peopling of South America. XIV FISV (Federazione Italiana Scienze della Vita) Congress, Roma 20-23 settembre 2016 Book of abstracts.
- Sbarsi I, Bergamaschi P, Cremaschi AL, Guarene M, Brandini S, Raveane A, Olivieri A, Grugni V, Genovese V, Romano B, Semino O, Torroni A, Pasi A. La tipizzazione HLA può fornire indicazioni sull’origine etnica e geografica degli individui. Dati preliminari della banca del Sangue del Cordone Ombelicale di Pavia. ORAL PRESENTATION - 42° Convegno Nazionale di Studi di Medicina trasfusionale, Bologna 25-28 maggio 2016. SIMTI (Società Italiana di Medicina Trasfusionale ed Immunoematologia) SCIENTIFIC AWARD for the best work presented on the topic “La conservazione del sangue cordonale: realtà e prospettive”. Blood Transfusion 2016; 14, Suppl.3, S335.
- Sbarsi I, Bergamaschi P, Cremaschi AL, Guarene M, Brandini S, Raveane A, Olivieri A, Grugni V, Genovese V, Romano B, Semino O, Torroni A, Pasi A. Does HLA track down ethnicity and geographical origin? Preliminary data from the Pavia Cord Blood Bank. 30th EFI (European federation of Immnogenetics) Conference, KOS, Greece 11-14 May 2016. HLA 2016; 87, 299.
- Bergamaschi P and Sbarsi I, Cremaschi AL, Brandini S., Raveane A., Olivieri A., Grugni V., Genovese V., Romano B., Guarene M., Pasi A. and Perotti C., Semino O. and Torroni A. CBBs DNA collections can be successfully used for population studies of mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome variation. The Pavia CBB experience. 42nd annual meeting of the EBMT (European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation), Valencia, Spain 3-6 April 2016. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2016; Vol 51, Issue S1, S437.
- Cunha R, Zago MA, Querol S, Volt F, Ruggeri A, Sanz G, Pouthier F, Koegler G, Vicario JL, Bergamaschi P, Saccardi R, Lamas CH, Heredia C, Michel G, Bittencourt H, Tavella M, Panepucci RA, Fernandes F, Pavan J, Gluckman E, Rocha V. Impact of CTLA4 genotype and other immune response gene polymorphisms on umbilical cord blood transplantation outcomes. A Eurocord, CBC-CTIWB, Netcord and FMRP-USP study. 57th annual meeting of the ASH (American Society of Hematology), Orlando, FL, 5-8 December 2015. ORAL PRESENTATION. Blood 2015 126:400.
- Sbarsi I, Bergamaschi P, Ferrari S, Zorzetto M, Cremaschi A, Genovese V, Ferrarotti I, Tinelli C, Guarene M, Romano B, Badulli C, Monti C, Pizzochero C, Pasi A, Salvaneschi L. rs1233334 (HLAG-725 G/C/A) and rs1063320 (HLAG +3142 C/G) seem not to be associated with sHLA-G levels in cord blood units (CBU). 7th International Conference on HLA-G, Paris, France 6-8 July 2015. Book of abstracts.
- Sbarsi I, Badulli C, Bergamaschi P, Pasi A, Guarene M, Cremaschi A, Monti C, Pizzochero C, Salvaneschi L. Determinazione di una nuova variante di gruppo sanguigno B "B0101 (P315L)". IV Conferenza Annuale dei Servizi Trasfusionali (Società Italiana di Medicina Trasfusionale e Immunoematologia), Napoli, 28-30 maggio 2015. Blood Transfusion 2015; 13, Suppl 2.
- Sbarsi I, Badulli C, Pagani A, Bergamaschi P, Pasi A, Salvaneschi L. Metodiche innovative in eritrogenomica: risoluzione di 6 casi di ambiguità di definizione delgenotipo RHD-RHCE. IV Conferenza Annuale dei Servizi Trasfusionali (Società Italiana di Medicina Trasfusionale e Immunoematologia), Napoli, 28-30 maggio 2015. Blood Transfusion 2015; 13, Suppl 2.
- Guarene M, Badulli C, Cremaschi AL, Monti MC, Pasi A, Pizzochero C, Sbarsi I, Romano B, Bergamaschi P, Salvaneschi L. X-MAP Luminex technology is an effective strategy for allele-level HLA typing of CB units. The experience of the Pavia CBB. 41st annual meeting of the EBMT (European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation), Istanbul, Turkey, 22-25 March 2015. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2015; Vol 50, Issue S1.
- Cunha R, Zago MA, Querol S, Volt F, Ruggeri A, Sanz G, Pouthier F, Koegler G, Vicario JL, Bergamaschi P, Saccardi R, Lamas CH, Heredia C, Michel G, Bittencourt H, Tavella M, Panepucci RA, Fernandes F, Pavan J, Gluckman E, Rocha V. Impact of CTLA4 genotype and other immune response gene polymorphisms on umbilical cord blood transplantation outcomes. 41st annual meeting of the EBMT (European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation), Istanbul, Turkey, 22-25 March 2015. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2015; Vol 50, Issue S1.
Research project
Genetics of human populations. Studying the genotype variability in mothers and cord blood/newborns
Description: Study of the mother’s and infant donor’s genotypes in the cord blood bank, HLA and other genetic systems.