Universitą degli studi di Pavia


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Mazzagatti's cv


Name and surname: Alice Mazzagatti
Adress: Via Piemonte 2, 20081 Abbiategrasso (MI)
Date and place of birth: 15 gennaio 1987, Abbiategrasso (MI)
Phone number: +39 3493744049
E-mail: alice.mazzagatti01@ateneopv.it

• Current position: Ph.D student in Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology – University of Pavia. Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics headed by Professor Elena Raimondi.
• 2011-2013: Master degree in Experimental and Applied Biology – University of Pavia. Final evaluation: 110/110 cum laude. Title of thesis “Studio dei domini di legame della proteina CENP-A a livello del centromero del cromosoma 11 di cavallo” – Supervisor Prof. Elena Raimondi, co-supervisor Elisa Belloni.
• 2006-2011: Bachelor degree in Biological Sciences – University of Pavia. Final evaluation: 104/110. Title of thesis “Studio del polimorfismo di inserzione dell'elemento trasponibile ERE1 nel genoma equino” – Supervisor Prof. Elena Raimondi, co-supervisor Francesco Vella, Ph.D.

• September 2010 to July 2013: Training in the Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics (headed by Prof. Elena Raimondi), Department of Biology and Biotechnology – University of Pavia (Italy).
• August 2010: Internship on eco-ethology of the alpine marmot (supervisor Prof. Giuseppe Bogliani), Department of Earth Sciences and Environment – University of Pavia (Italy).

• Eukaryotic Cell Culture.
• Chromosome preparation, chromosome banding, karyotype analysis.
• Molecular Cytogenetics Techniques - Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH), ImmunoFISH, Fibre FISH and Combing DNA.
• Use of the optical microscope and fluorescence microscope. Image analysis and processing.
• Bioinformatics Skills - Genomic databases analysis, use of sequence analysis and alignment software.
• Molecular Biology Techniques - DNA extraction, plasmid and BAC purification, PCR, agarose gel electrophoresis.
• Bacterial Culture.

• Good command of bioinformatics tools (especially BLAST, BLAT, MultAlin and RepeatMasker).
• Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office™ tools (Word™, Excel™, PowerPoint™, Access™ and Publisher™).
• Basic knowledge of graphic design applications (Adobe Illustrator®, Photoshop®).
• Use of several operating systems (Window, Mac OS, Linux).
• Good command of internet browsers.

• Italian: mother tongue.
• English: intermediate level

Research Project  

Evolutionary new centromeres in the genus Equus: molecular dissection of the domain responsible of the centromere function.
The aim of my work, carried out in collaboration between the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology (directed by Prof. Elena Giulotto) is the study of the architecture of the centromeres of eukaryotes in order to understand the mechanisms that leading to their formation and maturation, using the Equidae as a model system. In fact, in these species are present chromosomes with mature centromere rich in satellite DNA sequences (that is the most represented condition in the centromeres of eukaryotes), chromosomes with a neocentromere completely devoid of satellite sequences but these are conserved at the level of the ancestral centromere, and evolutionary neocentromere completely devoid of any satellite DNA. And it’s on this last category that my research project is focused. Using an high-resolution molecular cytogenetics approach, we will try to study the relationships between centromeric protein and centromeric single-copy DNA, in order to understand what makes an anonymous sequence a functional centromere.



• Belloni E, Piras F, Mazzagatti A, Badiale C, Meinardi B, Castro A, Savini G, Cerutti F, Bensi M, Nergadze S, Raimondi E and Giulotto E, “Analysis of the physical organization and of the CENP binding ability of horse centromeric satellite DNA families”. Cortona, Convegno AGI, 25-27 settembre 2013; Associazione Genetica Italiana.
• Raimondi E, Belloni E, Piras F, Mazzagatti A, Badiale C, Meinardi B, Castro A, Savini G, Bensi M, Nergadze S, Giulotto E. "Physical organisation and CENP binding ability of horse centromeric satellite DNA families"; 2013. 19th International Chromosome Conference, Bologna (Italy).

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