Università degli studi di Pavia


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Boeri's CV

Laura Boeri

via del Cornicione, 3
20083 Gaggiano (MI)
cell: 340/3364230
tel: 02/4456666
e-mail: boerilaura@gmail.com
born in Milan (MI), 14/02/1983


November 2008 – October 2011
PhD in Pathology and Medical Genetics
Università degli Studi di Pavia, Medical Genetics Laboratory

April 2011
Qualification of the Italian Board of Biologists/Professional Certification

June 2008
State examination for biologist profession
Università degli Studi di Pavia

14 December 2007
Second Level Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotecnology Degree (Biomedical and Biomedical Research)
Università degli Studi di Pavia, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy
110/110 and honours

28 July 2005
First Level Biotecnology Degree (Medical course)
Università degli Studi di Pavia, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy
110/110 and honours

July 2002
Scientific Secondary School Graduation (English and German Language)
Blaise Pascal Senior High School specializing in science education, Abbiategrasso (MI)
Votazione: 97/100

Work experiences

1 October 2011-ongoing
Clinical Leader Assistant at Nerviano Medical Sciences

1 June-31 July
Biology Tutor at FYSP project
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Activity of tutoring and training for Medicine and Surgery candidates

November 2008 –30 September 2011
PhD in Patology and Medical Genetics
Università degli Studi di Pavia, Medical Genetics Laboratory, Tutor: Prof. Cesare Danesino
Study of Hereditary Haemorrhagic Teleangectasia affected families using different techniques: Sanger sequencing, linkage analysis with STR markers and MLPA. Detection of a wide family with a large deletion and its molecular characterization. Hematological aspects: HHT patients have an increased frequency of mature endothelial cells in peripheral blood. Structural aspects: a 3D modeling of ALK1 ecto-domain

April 2008-August 2008
LaborLab Project “Regione Lombardia per giovani ricercatori”, Tutor: Prof. Cesare Danesino and Prof. Franco Brezzi
- Project title: “Mutation detection and aplotype analysis in Hereditary Haemorrhagic Teleangectasia affected subjects, particularly Bergamo province affected patients”
Università degli Studi di Pavia, Medical Genetics Laboratory and IUSS Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, Pavia
Close examination of thesis project with particular attention to Bergamo zone in which we have observed the genetic phenomenon of “founder effect”

February 2008-September 2008
“Collaborazione Coordinata e Continuativa” contract, Tutor: Prof. Cesare Danesino
- Project title: “Linkage analysis in Hereditary Haemorrhagic Teleangectasia affected families”
University of Pavia, Medical Genetics Laboratory
Elaboration of thesis work with increase of involved affected families to verify the validity of linkage analysis to join classical mutational detection.

June 2007-December 2007
Second Level Degree training
“Reconstruction of aplotypes associated with Hereditary Haemorrhagic Teleangectasia on 9 and 12 chromosome”
University of Pavia, Medical Genetics Laboratory, Tutor: Prof. Cesare Danesino
Experiences with DNA amplification and extraction techniques from patients affected with a rare disease. The aim of thesis project is to use a new molecular analysis approach (STR markers), in families in which the disease mutation hasn’t been yet identified.

October 2006-May 2007
Autoimmune disease laboratory
Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Rozzano (MI), Tutor: Dott. Giovanni Covini
Experiences with indirect immunofluorescence on different substrates and their preparation, use of commercial ELISA and LiPa immunoassay kits.

September 2004-July 2005
First Level Degree training
“Role of purinergic P2Y1 and P2Y12 receptors in GTP-binding protein Rap1B activation“
University of Pavia, Biochemistry Laboratory, Tutor: Prof. Mauro Torti
Experiences with biochemical and molecular biology techniques to clarify platelet activation mechanisms. The aim of thesis project is to better understand how some receptors activate a key protein through functional studies in a human cellular model (human brain astrocytoma cell line 1321N1).

Languages and Informatics

Languages Understanding Speaking Writing
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English Good Excellent Good Good Good
German Good Good Basic Basic Basic

Good knowledge and skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point). Excellent skills in browsing the web. Very good knowledge of softwares to analyze molecular biology results (Peak Scanner 1.0, GenescanView, Coffalyser 9.0, FinchTV and Cyrillic 2.0).

Additional informations
Car owner

November 2006
Certification of Operatore DAE released by A.O. Niguarda Cà Granda e 118-Soccorso Sanitario Regione Lombardia

May 2002
Certification of di Soccorritore-Esecutore released by A.O. Niguarda Cà Granda e 118-Soccorso Sanitario Regione Lombardia

August 2001
Driver’s license type B

Volunteer activity as Soccorritore-Esecutore at P.A. Croce Verde Trezzano for 6 years. Private lessons of scientific topics to Secondary School students for over than 4 years. Usually I play yoga and swimming. During my free time I read many books and magazines, I often go to rock concerts. I like travelling and organized personally my holidays.

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