Universitą degli studi di Pavia


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Nano publications

1. NANO R., GERZELI G., DE PICEIS POLVER P.: Tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase in blood cells and in hematopoietic organs of different Vertebrate species. Acta Histochem.: 63, 52-60, 1978.

2. NANO R., GERZELI G., GERVASO M.V., DE PICEIS POLVER P., ARISI C.: Histochemical pattern of tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase in hemopoietic cells following folate antagonist treatment in vivo. Cell Mol. biol. 24, 191-197, 1979.

3. GERZELI G., NANO R., MARINI G.: Dimostrazione istochimica della tetraidrofolico deidrogenasi nel midollo osseo umano: induzione enzimatica apparente dopo somministrazione di antifolici. Bollet. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sperimentale 60, 590-596, 1979.

4. NANO R., GERZELI, G., POMA R., BARNI S.: Histochemical demonstration of tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase in chick embryo erythropoiesis. Haematol. 64, 552-560, 1979.

5. NANO R., INVERNIZZI R., GERZELI G., GERVASO M.V., CORDANI M: Studio citochimico della tetraidrofolico deidrogenasi nei blasti della leucosi acuta. Haematol. 65, 552-553, 1980.

6. GERZELI G., NANO R., GERVASO M.V.: Tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase in chick embryo hemopoiesis. Folia Morphol. 29, 92-94, 1981.

7. BARNI S., DE PICEIS POLVER P., GERZELI G., NANO R.: Propidium iodide as a probe in the study of chromatin thermal denaturation in situ. Histochem. J. 13, 781-791, 1981.

8. INVERNIZZI R., GIRINO M., NANO R.: N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase activity in normal and acute leukaemia blood cells. Bas. Appl. Histochem. 25, 121-127, 1981.

9. NANO R., INVERNIZZI R., DE PICEIS POLVER P., GIRINO M.: Histochemical demonstration of tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase in blastic crisis of chronic myeloid leukaemia. Bas. Appl. Histochem. 25, 71-72, 1981.

10. DE PICEIS POLVER P., BARNI S., NANO R.: Ultrastructure of the urinary bladder of Salamandra Salamandra. Monitore Zool. Ital. 15, 123-132, 1981.

11. NANO R., GERVASO M.V., INVERNIZZI R., GERZELI G.: Tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase cytochemistry and classification of acute leukaemia. Acta Haematol. 67, 160-165, 1982.

12. NANO R., INVERNIZZI R., GERZELI G., MICHIENZI M.: Tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase in patients with lymphoproliferative diseases. Bas. Appl. Histochem., 27, 67-69, 1983.

13. INVERNIZZI R., NANO R., IPPOLITI G., GIRINO M., GERZELI G.: Cytochemical study of tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells. Haematol. 68, 742-749, 1983 .

14. GERZELI G., NANO R.,: Tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase cytochemistry and differentiation of murine erytroleukaemia (Friend) cells. Acta Embriol. Morphol. Exper. 4, 193-194, 1983.

15. NANO R., GERZELI G., GERVASO M.V.: Tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase in bone marrow of rats experimentally treated with phenylhydrazine. Cell. Molec. Biol. 30, 111-116, 1984.

16. NANO R., GERZELI G., INVERNIZZI R., PERSEGHIN P.: Cytochemical pattern of alpha-mannosidase, alpha-fucosidase and neutral maltase in normal blood cells. Acta Histochem. 77, 55-59, 1985.

17. INVERNIZZI R., PERSEGHIN P., NANO R., MICHIENZI M.: Cytochemistry of glycosidases in acute leukaemia. Bas. Appl. Histochem. 29, 161-163, 1985.

18. INVERNIZZI R., BERTOLINO G., GIRINO M., PERSEGHIN P., MICHIENZI M., NANO R.: Cytochemistry of dipeptidylaminopeptidase IV and II in normal and neoplastic lymphoid cells. Blut, 50, 277-285, 1985.

19. PERSEGHIN P., INVERNIZZI R., GIRINO M., MICHIENZI M., NANO R.: Studio citochimico della maltasi neutra nei neutrofili di soggetti normali e in corso di alcune sindromi mieloproliferative. Haematol. (Suppl.): Estratto da Atti delle sezioni regionali S.I.E. Vol. 1, 283-285, 1985.

20. INVERNIZZI R., GIRINO M., MICHIENZI M., NANO R., PERSEGHIN P., IPPOLITI G.: Citochimica della N-acetil-beta glicosidasi nelle cellule linfoidi normali e leucemiche. Haematol. (Suppl.): Estratto dagli Atti delle sezioni regionali S.I.E. Vol. 1, 329-331, 1985.

21. INVERNIZZI R., NANO R., PERSEGHIN P., GIRINO M., MICHIENZI M., IPPOLITI G.: Citochimica dell'alfa-fucosidasi nelle cellule linfoidi normali e leucemiche. In: Problemi e prospettive nella medicina moderna, Mucchi, Modena, 103-108, 1985.

22. INVERNIZZI R., NANO R., MICHIENZI M., BONETTI F., GIRINO M., PERSEGHIN P., NESPOLI L.: Caratterizzazione citoenzimatica della leucemia linfatica acuta. In A. Cajozzo, R. Perricone: Attualita' in ematologia, Monduzzi Editore p. 651-655, 1985.

23. NANO R., INVERNIZZI R., GERZELI G.: Citochimica della tetraidrofolico deidrogenasi nelle cellule eritroidi. In A. Cajozzo, R. Perricone: Attualita' in ematologia, Monduzzi Editore, p. 205-209, 1985.

24. GERZELI G., NANO R., BERNOCCHI G.: Tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase activity changes during cerebellar postnatal histogenesis of the rat. Acta Embriol. Morphol. Experimen. 6, 260-261, 1986.

25. NANO R., BERNOCCHI G., GERZELI G.: The histochemical pattern of tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase in the cerebellar postnatal histogenesis of the rat. Cell. Molec. Biol., 32, 655-660, 1986.

26. INVERNIZZI R., MICHIENZI M., GIRINO M., BONETTI F., PERUGINI O., NESPOLI L., NANO R.: Cytochemical characterization of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Haematologica, 71, 183-187, 1986.

27. NANO R.: La tetraidrofolico deidrogenasi nell'ematopoiesi del ratto. Arch. Ital. Anat. Embriol., 91, 211-220, 1986.

28. INVERNIZZI R., NANO R., PERUGINI O., DE FAZIO P.,MORANDI C., ASCARI E.: Evidenziazione immunocitochimica della diidrofolico reduttasi nei blasti delle leucemie acute. In: Attualita' in Ematologia, Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, p. 729-732, 1987.

29. NANO R., DE PICEIS POLVER P., GERZELI G.: Leucine aminopeptidase activity in blood and hemopoietic organs of different Vertebrates: a histochemical comparative study. Acta Histoch., 82, 83-88, 1987.

30. NANO R., INVERNIZZI R., REZZANI R., ARISI G., GERZELI G.: Cytochemical study of tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase in myelodisplastic syndromes. Haematol., 72, 11-15, 1987.

31. SUPINO R. GIBELLI N., NANO R., PEZZONI G., ZUNINO F.: In vitro and in vivo studies of poly-L-lysine as inducer of Friend leukemic cells differentiation. Tumori, 73, 431-436, 1987.

32. NANO R., BERNOCCHI G., GERZELI G: Dihydrofolate reductase activity in the Purkinje neuron population of some non-mammalian Vertebrates. Acta Histochem. 84, 179-186, 1988.

33. INVERNIZZI R., NANO R., PERUGINI O., DE FAZIO P., NESPOLI L., GERZELI G., ASCARI E.: Tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase cytochemistry in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Eur. J. Haematol. 41, 109-114, 1988.

34. NANO R., INVERNIZZI R., REZZANI R., GERZELI G.: A qualitative and quantitative study of dihydrofolate reductase in myelodisplastic syndromes. Acta Haematol., 79, 198-201, 1988.

35. NANO R., REZZANI R., RODELLA L., NATALE D.: Cytochemistry of dihydrofolate reductase in methotrexate resistant human cells with gene amplification. Med. Biol. Environ. 16, 265-269, 1988.

36. CELLA R., CARBONERA D., NANO R., RODELLA L., REZZANI R.: Intracellular localization of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR-TS) in carrot cells resistant to methotrexate. 28° Congr. Soc. Ital. Fisiol. Vegetale, Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG). Giornale Botanico Italiano, 122, 107-108, 1988.

37. NANO R., REZZANI R., RODELLA L., GERZELI G.: Immunoenzymatic labelling pattern of dihidrofolate reductase using alkaline phosphatase anti-alkaline posphatase (APAAP) method in haemic cells. Acta Histoch. Cytoch. 21, 499-506, 1988.

38. NANO R., ROVETA G., REZZANI R., RODELLA L.: Studio citochimico di cellule di tumore ascite di Yoshida primitive e disseminate. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sperimental., 65, 273-280, 1989.

39. NANO R., CELLA R., REZZANI R., RODELLA L., GERZELI G.: A qualitative and quantitative assay of dihydrofolate reductase in carrot cells resistant to methotrexate. Bas. Appl. Histochem., 33, 81-92, 1989.

40. NANO R., GERZELI G., INVERNIZZI R., SUPINO R.:A qualitative and quantitative cytochemical assay of dihydrofolate reductase in erythroid cells. Acta histochem., 85, 51-58, 1989.

41. NANO R., REZZANI R., RODELLA L., INVERNIZZI R., MORANDI C., GERZELI G.: Immunohistochemical detection of human dihydrofolate reductase in haematology. Med. Biol. Environ., 17, 207-213, 1989.

42. NANO R., REZZANI R., ROVETA G.: Morpho-cytochemical study of yoshida Ascites tumor cells. Med. Biol. Environ., 17, 197-204, 1989.

43. NANO R., REZZANI R., INVERNIZZI R.: Istochimica della diidrofolico reduttasi nei blasti delle leucemie mieloidi acute. Haematol., 5, 189-191, 1989.

44. NANO R., ANGELINI R., REZZANI R.: L-fucosidasi: Possibile marker istochimico per le LLA?. Haematol., 5, 192-194, 1989.

45. NANO R., REZZANI R., BACCIOCCHI G., MORRA F., GERZELI G., MORANDI G.: Citometria a flusso della diidrofolico reduttasi nei blasti di leucemia acuta all'esordio e nelle recidive. Haematol., 5, 230-232, 1989.

46. BERNOCCHI, SCHERINI G., NANO R. : Developmental patterns in rat cerebellum after cis-dichlorodiamine platinum treatment. Neuroscience, 39, 179-188, 1990.

47. NANO R., REZZANI R., ZIBERA C., GIBELLI N., BACCIOCCHI G. : Valutazione istochimica qualitativa e quantitativa di attivita' deidrogenasiche in cellule di glioblastoma umano trattate con beta-interferone. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sperimentale LXVI (3) 279-285, 1990.

48. NANO R., REZZANI R., BACCIOCCHI G.: An immunogold-silver staining for the detection of dihydrofolate reductase in leukaemia typing. Med. Biol. Envir., 18 (3), 41-44, 1990.

49. BERNOCCHI G., SCHERINI E., MARES V., NANO R.: Cerebellar histogenesis and cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum treatment in the rat. Cytocemistry and cytomorphology of Purkynje neurons. Acta Embryol. Morphol. Exper. 12, 13-14, 1991

50. CELLA R., BALESTRAZZI A., CARBONERA D., NANO R., REZZANI R.: Cellular localization of dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase in carrot cells. Bas. Appl. Histochem. 35,61-71, 1991.

51. NANO R., GERZELI G., INVERNIZZI R.: Quantification of dihydrofolate reductase levels in acute leukaemia by flow cytometric analysis. Med. Biol. Envir. 19, 57-61, 1991.

52. NANO R., GERZELI G., SPADARI S.: Modulation of cytochemically detected dihydrofolate reductase during cell cycle. Cell. Mol. Biol. 37(8), 831-837, 1991.

53. NANO R., GRIFFINI P., BARNI S.: Morphohistochemical changes of the blood cells in the hibernating frogs (Rana esculenta L.) Comparat. Haemat. Int. 1, 220-223, 1991.

54. NANO R.: In situ hybridization by digoxigenin labelled probes: detection of the DHFR gene in acute lynphoblastic leukaemia. Med. Biol. Environ. 20, 93-100, 1992.

55. NANO R., GERZELI G., MORANDI C., ARISI C.: Immunohistochemisty of dihydrofolate reductase in methotrexate-sensitive and -resistant human cell lines by flow cytometry: a comparison with the cytochemical tetrazolium salt method. Acta Histoch. 93, 290-297, 1992

56. NANO R, GERZELI G, CAPELLI E, CUCCIA M: growth factors involvement in the control of dihydrofolate reductase expression in lymphonocytes. In: recent Advences in cellular and Molecular Biology. From the I World Congress of CMB, Paris, September 1-7, 1991, Wegmann, RJ and Wegmann, MA (eds), Peeters Press, Leuven , Belgium, 1992, Vol I, pp71-76

57. NANO R., CIVENNI G., MARCOTTI W.: Comparison of three histochemical method for assaying lactate dehydrogenase in liver. Acta histochem. 93, 446-452, 1992.

58. BARNI S., NANO R., BERTONE V., PROSPERI E.: Ultrastructure and cytochemistry of circulating erythrocytes during the annual cycle of Rana esculenta L Comp. Haemat. Int. 2, 166-169, 1992.

59. NANO R., LAVEZZI L., RAIMONDI E., MORANDI C.: Elevati livelli di diidrofolato reduttasi in pazienti leucemici: utilizzo di sonde molecolare. Haematol. 78, 276-277,1993.

60. NANO R., CAPELLI E., ROSSI A., LAVEZZI L., SALVUCCI O.: Cytochemical study of human peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets sensitive to interleukin-2 stimulation in vitro. Med. Biol. Environ 21, 155-160,1993.

61. CAPELLI E., NANO R., CREMASCHI P., LAVEZZI L., ROSSI A., CUCCIA M.: Analysis of lymphocytes subsets sensitive to IL-2 stimulation in vitro. Molec. Biol. Envir.21, 303-312, 1993.

62. BARNI S., NANO R., VIGNOLA C.: Changes of haemopietic activity and characteristics of circulating blood cells in Triturus carnifex and Triturus alpestris during the winter period. Comp. Haematol. Int. 3, 159-163, 1993.

63. MOSCATO G, NANO R, FENOGLIO C, DI NUCCIA A, SPECIALE L: Sui quadri istologici dell’apparato respiratorio e del tessuto emopoietico in ratti trattati acutamente con stirene per via intraperitoneale (56 Cong. Naz. Ital. Med del Lavoro e Igiene Industr.) 1195-1198, SGE Ed. Padova 1993

64. CAPELLI E., NANO R., BARNI S.: Modelli cellulari in vitro per lo studio delle cellule LAK. Acta Gerontologica 43: 173-175, 1993.

65. NANO R., CAPELLI E., BARNI S.,: Caratteristiche morfofunzionali e citochimiche della cellule LAK. ACTA Gerontologica 43: 176-178, 1993.

66. BARNI S., NANO R., CAPELLI E., PROSPERI E.: Ultrastruttura e citofluorimetria della cinetica interattiva tra cellule LAK e cellule neoplastiche bersaglio. Acta Gerontologica 43: 179-180, 1993.

67. CREMASCHI P., CATANESE C., NASCIMBENE C., ROSSI A., NANO R., CAPELLI E., LAVEZZI L., SALVUCCI O., ROSSI A. : Linfociti con attivitą antitumorale ottenuti da liquido pleurico e mesotelioma maligno. Acta Gerontologica 43: 183-185 1993.

68. CREMASCHI P., NANO R., CAPELLI E., CATANESE C.: Growth and development of lymphokine-activated killer cells in vitro: a preliminar study for adoptive immunotherapy. In: Recent advances in chemoterapy. Eds: J. EINHOR, C.E. NORD, S RAGMAR NORRBY, ASM, Washington,D.C. 191-192, 1993.

69. NANO R., BARNI S., CAPELLI E., CREMASCHI P.: Morphological changes of LAK-tumor in vitro: fluorescence and electron microscopy. In: Recent advances in chemotherapy. Eds: J. EINHOR, C.E. NORD, S RAGMAR NORRBY, ASM, Washington,D.C. 789-790, 1993.

70. NANO R., BARNI S., CAPELLI E., CREMASCHI P., CATANESE C., NASCIMBENE C.: Correlation between ultrastructural and histochemical parameters in lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) lymphocytes reacting with target cells in vitro. Acta Oncol.33:165-169, 1994.

71. NANO R., BARNI S., CAPELLI E., PROSPERI E., SALVUCCI O., ROSSI A., LAVEZZI L.: Cocultures of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) target cells: a cytokinetic study. Med. Biol. Envir. 22:341-346, 1994.

72. MAINARDI E., CAPELLI E., NANO R., CUCCIA M.C.: L.A.K. activity induced in vitro: evaluation of effector cells against normal and transformed cells. Med. Biol. Envir. 22:317-322, 1994.

73. BOBBIO PALLAVICINI E., MAINARDI E., CAPELLI E., NANO R, LAVEZZI L.: Immunoterapia nei tumori renali.Tumori 8O: 13O, 1994.

74. LORUSSO L., NANO R., CAPELLI E., MARINU-AKTIPI K., BENERICETTI E., GIARDINI G., CERONI M.: Activated lymphocytes in glioblastoma: significance for anti-tumoral immunity. Acta Neurologica 16: 198-2O5, 1994.

75. CAPELLI E, MAINARDI E, NANO R, BOBBIO-PALLAVICINI E, TACCONI F, YANG YP, CUCCIA M:Activation of various leukocytes subsets after IL-2 treatment in vivo. In: Monduzzi s.p.a. Ed (Bo) Italy 3059-3064, Ed. RS Rao, MG Deo, LD Sanghvi, I. Mittra, 1994

76. PINELLI T, ALTIERI S, FOSSATI F, ZONTA A, COSSARD D, PRATI U, ROVEDA L, RICEVUTI G, NANO R. 10 B neutron capture therapy to treat the human liver affected by tumours metastases ( Taormina Project) In : Radiations : from Theory to multidisciplinary applications. Ed Felici, Pisa, pag. 23-30, 1994.

77. PINELLI T, ALTIERI S, FOSSATI F, ZONTA A, COSSARD D, ROVEDA L, RICEVUTI G, NANO R.: Experimental approach to the BBCT tretatment of human liver . Thirteen Eur. Triga users Conf Proceeding, J Stefan Inst., Ljublijana, Slovenia, Spt 26-28, 3, 12-23, 1994

78. NANO R BARNI S., CAPELLI E., PROSPERI E., LAVEZZI L., SALVUCCI O.: DNA-protein cell content and lymphokine activated killer ( LAK ) and target cell in coculture. Antic. Research 15: 751-754, 1995. 185

79. NANO R., CAPELLI E., GERZELI G.: Morphofunctional characterization of lymphokine activated killer ( LAK ) cells in vitro. J.Biol. Research- Bollettino della Societa' Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale, LXXI, 181-187, 1995.

80. LORUSSO L., CAPELLI E., NANO R.,VACCARONE R., BENERICETTI E., MARINU-AKTIPI K., GIARDINI G., MALASPINA A., CERONI M.:Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in early glioblastoma cell cultures.J.Exp.Clin.Cancer Research 14, 169-17O, 1995.

81. BOTTIROLI G, CROCE AC, MARCHESINI R, NANO R, SPANO A, BARNI S, DAL FANTE M: Autofluorescence is intrinsic parapeter of the neoplastic condition. Eur. Biomed Optics Week BiosEurope 1995, Joint Meeting of the European Laser Assoc. And the Biomediacal Optics Society, 12-16 september pp 73, 1995

82. NANO R.: Apoptosi indotta da IL-2 ad alte dosi: studio ultrastrutturale. In: Interleuchina-2 r tumori dal laboratorio alla clinica. Edizioni Medico Scientifiche ( EDIMES) , Pavia,. 11-13, 1995.

83. BOBBIO PALLAVICINI E., TACCONI F., MAINARDI E., DE AMICI M., CAPELLI E., NANO R.: Effetti biologici e clinici della immunoterapia con rIL-2 ed IFN-alfa nel carcinoma renale ava Interleuchina-2 e tumori dal laboratorio alla clinica. Edizioni Medico Scientifiche ( EDIMES) , Pavia, 73, 1995.

84. NANO R.,BARNI S., CAPELLI E.: Morphological changes of lymphocytes activated with interleukin-2.Haematol. 81, 93-94, 1996.

85. CAPELLI E., BARNI S., VACCARONE R., FORTIS C., NANO R . : Cell activation and death (apoptosis) induced by Il-2 : ultrastructural evidence. Anticancer Res. 16, 1775-1780, 1996

86. PINELLI T., ALTIERI S., FOSSATI F.,ZONTA A., RICEVUTI G., NANO R. Development of a method to nuse boron neutron capture therapy for diffused tumours of liver ( Taormina Project) In : Cancer neutron capture therapy. Ed Y. MISHIMA Plenum Press. N.Y. and London pag. 783-794.1996.

87. CAPELLI E., NANO R., CREMASCHI P., CIVALLERO M., NASCIMBENE C., ROSSI A. : Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) from lung cancer treated with low doses of interlekin-2(IL-2) : a study in vitro. Med Biol : Environ. 24 (2), 91-94 1996.

88. NANO R., CAPELLI E., CIVALLERO M., LORUSSO L., ARGENTINA F., BONIZZONI E., CERONI M.:Activated lymphoid cells in human gliomas : morphofunctional and cytochemical evidence. Anticancer Res.17(1) 107-112, 1997.

89. NANO R., BARNI S., GERZELI G., ALTIERI S., FOSSATI F., PRATI U., ROVEDA L.,ZONTA. A. : Histiocytic activation following neutron irradiation of boron enriched rat livermetastases. Annals N.Y.Academy of Sciences 832, 274-278, 1997.

90. NANO R., CAPELLI E., BARNI S., GERZELI G. : Ultrastructural changes of neutrophils following IL-2 tretment in vivo . Annals N.Y. Academy of Sciences 832, 194-199,1997.

91. CAPELLI E., NANO R ., CIVALLERO M., MARINU-AKTIPI K., CERONI M. : Expression of lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1(LFA-1) in glioblastoma patients : a few cytometric analysis. Annals N.Y.Academy of Sciences 832, 279-283, 1997.

92. FENOGLIO C., NECCHI D., CIVALLERO M., CERONI M., NANO R. : Cytochemical demonstration of nitric oxide synthase and 5’nucleotidase in human glioblastoma . Anticancer Resc. 17 : 2507-2512 ,1997

93. COCCINI T., FENOGLIO C., NANO R., DE PICEIS POLVER P., MOSCATO G., MANZO L. : Styrene induced alterations in the respiratory tract of rats treated by inhalation or intraperitoneally. J.Toxicol. Environ. Health 52, 63-77, 1997

94. BOTTIROLI,G.,CROCE, A.C., LOCATELLI, D., NANO, R., GIOMBELLI, E., MESSINA, A., BENERICETTI, :Autofluorescence of normal and neoplastic human brain tissue : an aid for intraoperative delineation of tumour resection margins. In : “ Optical and Imaging Techniques for Biomonitoring III”. Edd.s H. J. Foth, R. Marchesini, H. Podbielska, Soc.Photo.Optical Instrum.Eng. San Remo, Italy 3196 , 183-191,1997

95. CIVALLERO ; M., NANO,R, : Cellule dendritiche isolate da sangue periferico umano. Laborat., 1,23-26, 1997.

96. LISINI D., NANO R. : Ibridazione “in situ”. Laborat. 3, 21-29, 1997

97. PINELLI T., ALTIERI S., FOSSATI F., ZONTA A., PRATI U., ROVEDA L., NANO R., BARNI S. :The boronneutron capture process as the therapeutic phase in the liver autograft to treat diffused hepatic metastases.Chin. J. Rad.Oncology.147-149,1997.

98. CAPELLI E, NANO R, BARNI s: Dendritic cell differentiation in a peripheral blood mononucleated cell culture treated with IL-2. Haematologica 82: 634, 1997

99. NANO R, CAPELLI E, CIVALLERO M, AGENTINA F, TERZUOLO G, VOLPINI E, NASCIMBENE C, CREMASCHI P: Effects of interleukin-2 for the treatment of malignant mesothelioma. Oncology Reports 5: 489-492, 1998

100. BOTTIROLI G., CROCE A .C , LOCATELLI D., NANO R ., GIOMBELLI E., MESSINA A., BENERICETTI : Brain tissue autofluorescence : an aid for intraoperative delineation of tumour resection margins. Cance Detec. & Preven 22, 330- 339, 1998 .

101. MAIOCCHI M., NANO R., BONFICHI G., ALISSANDRINO ., BERNASCONI., CAPELLI E.: Serine protease detection in mixed lymphocytes cultures: a predictive histochemical method for graft versus host desease (GVHD). Haematologica 83, 686-689, 1998

102. PINELLI, T., ALTIERI, S., FOSSATI, F.,ZONTA, A., PRATI, U., ROVEDA, L., NANO, R., BARNI, S. : An innovative procedure to treat unresectable liver tumours by the boron neutron capture therapy. In : Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Eds G.Tornielli & P. Colautti , 31-36,1998.

103. CAPELLI E, NANO R, CIVALLERO M, CERLETTI M,CREMASCHI P, NASCIMBENE C, BARNI S: Interleukin-2 at different concentrations induces the growth of selective lymphoid cells . Inter. J.Molec Med 2, 155-159, 1998.

104. NANO R., CIVALLERO M.: Ruolo dell’infiltrato leucocitario nei gliomi. In: Conferenze e Seminari. Fondazione “Istituto Neurologico C. Mondino” pag.143-151, 1998.

105. COMINCINI S, CAPELLI E, ZANOLI E, CATTANA E, CERONI M, NANO R: Identification of genetic markers of the glial tumor by means of differential display technique. Anticancer Res 19, 277-280, 1999

106. CAPELLI E., CIVALLERO M., BARNI S., CERONI M and NANO R. : Interleukin-2 induces the growth of human glioblastoma cells in cultures. Anticancer Res 19, 3147-3152 , 1999

107. BOTTIROLI G., CROCE A. C., LANZA K.S., NANO R., TANCIONI F., CERONI M., BENERICETTI E.:Tissue autofluorescence potential for the intraoperative delineation of brain tumor resection margins. Trends in Optics and Photonics 38: 21-23, 2000.

108. PAVANETTO F., PERUGINI P., GENTA I., MINOIA C., RONCHI A., PRATI U., ROVEDA L., NANO R.: Boron-loaded liposomes in the treatment of hepatic metastases: preliminary investigation by autoradiography analysis. Drug Delivery 7:1-7, 2000

109. CIVALLERO M., BARNI S., NANO R., CAPELLI E.: Dendritic cells and interleukin-2: cytochemical and ultrastructural study. Histol. Histophat 15: 1077-1085, 2000.

110. NANO R., ROSSI A., FENOGLIO C., DE PICEIS POLVER P.: Evaluation of a possible styrene-induce damage to the haematopoietic tis to the haematopoietic tissue in rat. Anticancer Res.20, 1615-1620,2000

111. NANO R., INVERNIZZI R., PECCI A., CIVALLERO M., GERZELI G.:Dihydrofolate reductase activity in the erythroblasts of patients with 5q- syndrome. Haematologica 85: 765-766, 2000.

112. BARNI S., NANO R., BERTONE V., PROSPERI E., VACCARONE R., BERNINI F., BARBIERI F.: Aspetti morfocitochimici degli elementi ematici di alcune specie di urodeli: cambiamenti durante l’ibernazione naturale. Mus. Reg. Sci. Nat. Torino, 193-198, 2000

113. CAPELLI E., NANO R., PANELLI S., SCIOLA L., SPANO A., BARNI S.: Cytoskeleton actin changes in IL-2 activated cells. Eur. J Histochem 44: 279-283, 2000.

114. A., PRATI U., ROVEDA L., FERRARI C., VALSECCHI P., TROTTA F., DEROBERTO A., ROSSELLA C., BERNARDI G., ZONTA C., MARCHESI P., PINELLI T., ALTIERI S., BRUSCHI P., FOSSATI F., BARNI S., CHIARI P., NANO R. : La terapia per cattura neutronica (BNCT) dei tumori epatici. Boll Soc Med Chir Pavia 114: 123 – 144, 2000.

115. FACOETTI A., CAPELLI E., NANO R.: HLA class I molecules expression: evaluation of different immunocytochemical methods in malignant lesions Antic Reseach 21, 2435-2440, 2001.

116. NANO R.: Experimental findings in primary glioma cell coltures. Functional neurology 1 (4),285-289, 2001

117. PINELLI T., ALTIERI S., FOSSATI F., ZONTA A., FERRARI C., PRATI U., ROVEDA L., NGNITEJEU TATA S., BARNI S., CHIARI P., NANO R., FERGUSON D.M.: Operative modalities and effects of BNCT on liver metastases of colon adenocarcinoma. In : Frontiers in Neutron Capture Therapy Eds by Hawthorne et al. 1427-1440, 2001.

118. INVERNIZZI R.,NANO R., PECCI A., TRAVAGLINO E., FACOETTI A., MAGNI S.:Reduced dihydrofolate reductase expression in erythroblasts of the 5q- sindrome. Haematologica 86,78-79, 2001.

119. CROCE A. C.,FIORANI S., LOCATELLI D., NANO R., BOTTIROLI G., CERONI M.,TANCIONI F..GIOMBELLI E., BENERICETTI E.: Autofluorescence-based real time diagnosis for selective resection of tumors in neurosurgery. Trends in Optics and Photonics 45: 494- 498, 2002.

120. MAINARDI E., MONTANELLI A., DOTTI M., NANO R., MOSCATO G. : Thyroid-related autoantibodies and celiac disease. J. Clinical Gastroenterol.35:245-248, 2002

121. PINELLI T., ZONTA A., ALTIERI S., BARNI S., BRAGHIERI A., PEDRONI P., BRUSCHI P., CHIARI P., FERRARI C., FOSSATI F., NANO R., Ngnitejeu T.S., PRATI U., RICEVUTI G., ROVEDA L., ZONTA C. : TAORMINA: From the first idea to the application to the human liver. Research and Development in neutron capture therapy. In: Research and Development in Neutron Capture Therapy, Monduzzi Eds, 1065-1072, 2002

122. INVERNIZZI R., NANO R., FACOETTI A., RAIMONDI E., TRAVAGLINO E., MORALLI D.: Analysis of the dihydrofolate reductase gene in blast cells of patients with acute leucemia by fluorescence in situ. Haematologica ,87, 61-62, 2002.

123. INVERNIZZI R.,COMINCINI S., TRAVAGLINO E., PECCI A., FACOETTI A., NANO R.: Defective expression of the dihydrofolate reductase gene in patients with the 5q- sindrome. Hematol J. 3,10, 2002.

124. PINELLI T., ALTIERI S., BRUSCHI P., FOSSATI F., ZONTA A., FERRARI C., PRATI U., RIVEDA L., BARNI S., CHIARI P., NANO R. : Neutron radiography : a methodology to study the boron distribution in samples includine tumor and normal hepatic tissues. In: 1st word TRIGA users conferences , 2-4, 2002

125. PINELLI T., ALTIERI S., BRUSCHI P., FOSSATI F., ZONTA A., FERRARI C., PRATI U., RIVEDA L., BARNI S., CHIARI P., NANO R. : Operative and scientific set-up to treat diffused and multifocal metastasis in the explanted liver. Preliminary indications from the first case. In: 1st word TRIGA users conference, 1-4, 2002

126. ROSANNA NANO: Effetti della terapia di cattura neutronica del boro sulle metastasi epatiche di adenocarcinoma del colon : studio in microscopia ottica ed ultrastrutturale in ratto. In: recenti acquisizioni nel trattamento del traumatizzato cranio-vertebrale ed addominale 75-76,2002.

127. ZONTA A.,PINELLI T., PRATI .U.,ROVEDA L., FOSSATI F., ALTIERI S., NANO R., BARNI S., FERRARI C., CARAMELLA F., SGARELLA A.,ALISSIANI M.,CHIARI P., GRUGNETTI G.,NGNTINGEU TS.,BAKEINE J., et al.: La terapia per cattura neutronica (BNCT) dei tumori epatici diffusi: prima applicazione clinica. In : Recenti acquisizioni nel trattamento del traumatizzato cranio-vertebrale ed addominale 81-91, 2002.

128. ALTIERI S., PINELLI T., BRUSCHI P., FOSSATI F., ZONTA A., FERRARI C., PRATI U., ROVEDA L., BARNI S., CHIARI P., NANO R.: Le basi fisiche della terapia per cattura neutronica. In: recenti acquisizioni nel trattamento del traumatizzato cranio-vertebrale ed addominale.67-74, 2002.

129. PINELLI T, ZONTA A, ALTIERI S., BARNI S., BRAGHIERI,A.,PEDRONI P., BRUSCHI P., CHIARI P., .FERRARI C., FOSSATI F., NANO R., NGNITEJEN TATA ., PRATI U., RICEVUTI G., ROVEDA L., ZONTA C.:A novel therapy for liver metastases: a concrete hope after the first human treatment. Istituto Lombardo (Rend SC) 136: 11-20, 2002.

130. FACOETTI A., NANO R. MORBINI P., CERONI M: Downregulation of HLA antigens and tumour malignancy in human gliomas. Clin Neuropathol ,21: 166, 2002.

131. DE PICEIS POLVER P., FENOGLIO C., NANO R., COCCINI T., BERTONE V., VACCARONE R., GERZELI G. : Styrene hepatotoxicity in rats treated by inhalation or intraperitoneally: a structural investigation. Histol Histopathol,18:49-54 , 2003

132. NANO R., INVERNIZZI R., FACOETTI A., RAIMONDI E., MORALLI E., GERZELI G.: Quantification of the DHFR gene in blast cells of leukaemia patients by fluorecsence in situ hybridization. Antic. Res..23: 3883.3888, 2003

133. CROCE A.C., FIORANI S., LOCATELLI D., NANO R., CERONI M., TANCIONI F., GIOMBELLI E., BENERICETTI E., BOTTIROLI G.: Diagnostic potential of autifluorescence for an assisted intraoperative delineation of glioblastoma resection margins. Photochemi. Photobiol. 77: 309-318, 2003

134. INVERNIZZI R. , COMINCINI S. , TRAVAGLINO E., FACOETTI A., NANO R. : Detective expression of the dihydrofolate reductase gene in patiens with the 5q- sindrome. Haematologica, 88: 471-474, 2003

135. NANO R., CAPELLI E., FACOETTI A., GERZELI G.: Evaluation of serum levels of cytokines and intercellular adhesion molecole-1 (ICAM-1) in astrocytic tumours. Cell Mol. Bio., 49, 525-528, 2003

136. NANO R., BALEGNO S., VACCARONE R., CORATO M.,CERONI M.: Detection of paraneoplastic anti-neuroal-specific antibodies: comparison of different immunohistochemical techniques . Anticancer Res 23, 2377-2381, 2003.

137. NANO R., BARNI S., CHIARI P., PINELLI T., FOSSATI F., ALTIERI S., ZONTA C., PRATI U., ROVEDA L., ZONTA A.: Efficacy of boron neutron capture therapy on liver metastases of colon adenocarcinoma: optical and ultrastructural study in the rat. Oncol. Rep 11, 149-153, 2004.

138. COMINCINI S., FACOETTI A., DEL VECCHIO I., PEOC’H K., LAPLANCE JL., MAGRASSI L, CERONI M., FERRETTI L., NANO R. : Differential expression of the prion-like protein doppel gene (PRND) in astrocytomas: a new molecular marker potentially involved in tumor progression. Anticancer Res. 24, 1507-1518, 2004.

139. RINDI G., CIVALLERO M., CANDUSSO M.E., MERCHETTI A., KLERSY C., NANO R, LEITER A.B.: Sudden onset of colitis after ablation of secretin-expressing lymphocytes in transgenic mice. Exp. Biol Med 229, 826-834, 2004.

140. ROVEDA L., PRATI U., BAKEINE J., TROTTA F., MAROTTA P., VALSECCHI P., ZONTA A., NANO R., FACOETTI A., CHIARI P., BARNI S., PINELLI T., ALTIERI.S., BRAGHIERI S., BRUSCHI P., FOSSATI F., PEDRONI P.: How to study boron distribution in liver metastases from colorectal cancer . J Chemother 5: 15-18, 2004.

141. CORATO M, MARINU-AKTIPU.P, NANO R., GIOMETTO G, CEREDA C., NATOLI G, FACOETTI A, CERONI M. Paraneoplastic brainstem encephalitis in a patients with malignant fibrous histiocytoma and atypical antineuronal antibodies. J. Neurol. 251:1415-1417, 2004.

142. TRAVAGLINO E., COMINCINI S., BENATTI C., AZZALIN A., NANO R., ROSTI V., FERRETTIL., INVERNIZZI R.: Overexpression of the Doppel protein in acute myeloid leukaemias and myelodysplastic syndromes. Br.J.Haematol. 128: 877-884, 2005

143. BALEGNO S., CERONI M, CORATO M, FRANCIOTTA D.,.,GIOMETTO B., MARINU- AKTIPU K.,NANO R.,; Antibodies to cerebellar nerve fibers in two patients with paraneoplastic cerebellar ataxia. Anticancer Res, 25: 3211-3214, 2005.

144. NANO R., CERONI M.: Immunobiology of malignant gliomas. Functional Neurology.20; 39-42, 2005.

145. FACOETTI A, , NANO R., ZELINI P., MORBINI P. BENERICETTI E, , CERONI M., CAMPOLI M., FERRONE S,: Human Leukocyte Antigen and antigen processing machinery component defects in astrocytic tumors.. Clin Cancer Res. 11 (23) 8304-8311, 2005.

146. PERLINI S., PALLADINI G., FERRERO I., TOZZI R., FALLARINI S., FACOETTI A., NANO R., CARI F., BUSCA G., FOGARI R., FERRARI A.: Sympathectomy or doxazosin, but not propanolol, blunt myocardial interstitial fibrosis in pressare-overload hypertrophy. Hypertension 46, 1213-1218, 2005

147. ALTIERI S., BORTOLUSSI S., BRUSCHI P.,FOSSATI F., VITTOR K.,NANO R., FACOETTI A., CHIARI P., BAKEINE J., CLIRICI A., FERRARI C., SALVUCCI O: Boron Absorption Imaging In Rat Lung Colon Adenocarcinoma Metastases. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 41: 123-126, 2006.

148. AZZALIN A., FERRARA V., ARIAS A., CERRI S., AVELLA D ., PISU M., NANO R., BERNOCCHI G., FERRETTI L., COMINCINI S: Interaction Between The Cellular Prion (Prpc)And The 2p Domain K Chanel Trek 1 Protein. Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications. 346: 108-115 , 2006.

149. COMINCINI S.,CHIARELLI, LR.,ZELINI P.,DEL VECCHIO I.,AZZALIN A., ARIAS A.,FERRARA V.,ROGNONI P.,DIPOTO A.,REGUZZONI M.,CONGIU T.,NANO R.,VALINTINI G.,FERRETTI L.: Nuclear mRNA retenction and aberrant doppel protein expression in human astrocytic tumours cells. Oncology Reports. 16: 1325-1332, 2006.

150. FACOETTI A.,FALLARINI S.,MISERERE S.,BERTOLOTTI A.,FERRERO I.,TOZZI R., PALLADINI G.,PERLINI S.,NANO R : Histochemical Study of cardiac mast cells degranulation and collagen deposition: interaction with cathecolaminergic system in rat. EJH 50: 133-140, 2006.

151. FACOETTI A., RANZA E., BENERICETTI E., CERONI M., TEDESCHI F., NANO R.,: Minichromosome Maintenance Protein 7: A Reliable Tool For Glioblastoma Proliferation Index. Anticancer Research. 26: 1071-1076, 2006.

152. FACOETTI A., RANZA E., GRECCHI I., BENERICETTI E., CERONI M., MORBINI P., NANO R.: Immunohistochemical Evalutation Of Minichromosome Maintenance Protein 7 In Astrocytoma Grading. Anticancer Research. 26: 3513-3516, 2006.

163. ZONTA A.,PRATI U.,ROVEDA L. FERRARI C., ZONTA S.,CLERICI AM., ZONTA C.,PINELLI T.,FOSSATI F.,ALTIERI S.,BORTOLUSSI S.,BRUSCHI P.,NANO R.,BARNI S.,CHIARI P.,MAZZINI G Clinical Lessons From The First Application of Bnct On Unresectable Liver Metastase. Journal Of Physics: Conference Series. 41: 484-495, 2006.

164. BALLARINI F, ALLONI D, FACOETTI A, MAIRANI A, NANO R., OTTOLENGHI A. Modelling Radiation-Induced Bystander Effect And Cellular Comunication. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 122, 244-251, 2006.

165. ALTIERI S., BORTOLUSSI S., BRUSCHI P., CHIARI P., FOSSATI F., FACOETTI A., NANO R., CLERICI A., FERRARI C., ZONTA A., ZONTA C., MARCHETTI A., SOLCIA E., BAKEINE J.J., SALVUCCI O.: Monte Carlo Dose Calculations for BNCT Treatment of Diffuse Human Lung Tumours. In: Advances in Neutron Capture Therapy. Proceedings of ICNCT-12. 500-503. 2006.

166. BORTOLUSSI S., ALTIERI S., BRUSCHI P., CHIARI P., FOSSATI F., FACOETTI A., NANO R., CLERICI A., FERRARI C., ZONTA A., ZONTA C., MARCHETTI A., SOLCIA E., BAKEINE J.J., SALVUCCI O.: Boron Uptake Measurements in metastatic tumours in rat lung. In: Advances in Neutron Capture Therapy. Proceedings of ICNCT-12. 91-94. 2006.

167. BAKEINE GJ, BERTOLOTTI A, LATINA M, CONGIU T, PRATI U, ROVEDA L, TROTTA F, TOMMASINI F, TORMEN M, DI FABRIZIO E, CARLINI G, FACOETTI A, NANO R. Surface Properties And Implantation Site Affect The Capsular Fibrotic Overgrowth. J Biomed Mater Res. A.83:965-969, 2007.

168. BALLARINI F, ALLONI D, FACOETTI A, MAIRANI A, NANO R., OTTOLENGHI A. Radiation Risk Estimation: Modelling Approaches For "Targeted" And "Non-Targeted" Effects. Advances In Space Research, 40: 1392-1400, 2007.

169. FACOETTI A, BALLARINI F, CHERUBINI R, GERARDI S, NANO R., OTTOLENGHI A, PRISE KM, TROTT KR, ZILIO C.GammaRay-Induced Bystender Effect In Tumour Glioblastoma Cells:A Specific Study On Cell Survival, Cytokine Release And Cytokine Receptors. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. :122.: 271-274, 2007.

170. TOZZI R, PALLADINI G, FALLARINI S, NANO R., GATTI C, PRESOTTO C, MICHELETTI R, SCHIAVONE A, FERRARI P, PERLINI S.: Matrix Metalloprotease Activity is enhanced in the compensated but not in the decompensated phase of pressure overload hypertrophy . AJH 20 (6): 663-669, 2007.

171. RANZA E.,FACOETTI A., MORBINI P., BENERICETTI E., NANO R.: Exogenous platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) induces human astrocytoma cell lines proliferation . Anticancer Res. 27(4B) : 2161-6, 2007

172 FACOETTI A., RANZA E., NANO R: Proliferation and programmed cell death: role of p53 protein in high and low grade astrocytoma. Anticancer Res . 28: 15-20, 2008.

173. D. Alloni, F. Antonelli, F. Ballarini, M. Belli, A. Bertolotti, A. Campa, V. Dini, L. D’Ercole, G. Esposito, A. Facoetti, W. Friedland, C. Giovannini, S. Grande, L. Guidoni, M. Liotta, F. Lisciandro, A. M. Luciani, L. Mantovani, L. Mariotti, S. Molinelli, R. Nano, A. Ottolenghi, A. Palma, H.G. Paretzke, F. Pasi, A. Rosi, O. Sapora, D. Scannicchio, G. Simone, E. Sorrentino, M.A. Tabocchini, V. V. Viti. Charged particle effects: experimental and theoretical studies on the mechanisms underlying the induction of molecular and cellular damage and the modulation of intercellular signalling. Nuovo cimento C, 2008, 31 (1):21-38.

174. Facoetti, A; Mariotti, L; Ballarini, F.; Bertolotti, A; Nano, R.; Pasi, F. Ranza E., Ottolenghi, A: Experimental and theoretical analysis of cytokine release for the study of radiation-induced bystander effect. Int.J.Radiat.Biol. 85: 690-699, 2009.

175. Ballarini F., Facoetti A., Mariotti L., Nano R., Ottolenghi A.: Cellular communication and “non-targeted effects”: modelling approaches. Adv Space Res. 44: 917-925, 2009.

176. Bakeine J.G., Disalvo M., Bortolussi S., Stella S., Bruschi P., Bertolotti A., Nano R., Clerici A., Ferrari C., Zonta C., Marchetti A., Altieri S.: Feasibility study of the utilization Boron neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) in a rat model of diffuse rat lung metastases. Appl.Rad.Isot , 67(7-8 Suppl):S332-5, 2009.

177. G. J. Bakeine, A. Bertolotti, C. Zennaro, G. Grenci, A. Pozzato, S. Dal Zilio, M. Prasciolu, L. Businaro, M. Tormen, M. Alessiani, R. Nano, P. Dionigi.: Design and fabrication of large area nano-structured substrates for use in pancreatic beta-cell engineering. Microelectr. Eng., 2009 (on-line).

178. Nano R., Capelli E, Facoetti A and Benericetti E: Immunobiological and experimental aspects of malignant astrocytoma : a review: Anticancer Res. 29: 2461-2466, 2009.

179. Ranza E., Mazzini G., Facoetti A., Nano R.: In vitro effects of tyrosine kinase inhibitor STI571 on glioblastoma cell proliferation J.of Neuro-Oncology. 96(3):349-57, 2009.

180. Ranza, E., Bertolotti A., Facoetti A., Mariotti L., Pasi, F., Ottolenghi, A., Nano, R.: Influence of imatinib mesylate on radiosensitivity of astrocytoma cells. Antiancer .Res. 29: (11) 4575-4578, 2009.

181. Bertolotti A., Borgogna M., Facoetti A., Marsich E., Nano R.. The effects of alginate encapsulation on NIT-1 insulinoma cells: viability, growth and insulin secretion. In Vivo 23, (6):929-935, 2009

182. Pasi F., Facoetti A., Nano R.: IL-8 and IL-6 bystander signalling in human glioblastoma cells exposed to gamma radiation.Anticancer Res 30, 2769-2772. 2010

183. Facoetti A, Pasi F, Nano R. Some Considerations for the Study of TGF{beta} in Medium of Irradiated T98G Cells: Activation, Release and Consumption. Anticancer Res. Sep;30(9):3341-4. 2010.

184. PASI F., BERTOLOTTI A.,RANZA E.,FACOETTI A., OTTOLENGHI A.,MAZZINI G, NANO R: Modulation of cytokines and theirs receptors in human glioblastoma cells after ionizing radiation. Cytometry Part A. 77°: 161-162, 2010.

185. Bertolotti A, Ranza E, MAriotti L, Pasi F, Facoetti A, Nano R, Mazzini G, Ottolenghi A: Mechanism of radiation effects at cellular level: bystander effects and modulation of the cytokine signalling. Cytometry Part A. 77°: 155-156, 2010. IF=3.03

186. Bortolussi S, Bakeine JG, Ballarini F, Bruschi P, Gadan MA, Protti N, Stella S, Clerici A, Ferrari C, Cansolino L, Zonta C, Zonta A, Nano R, Altieri S. Boron uptake measurements in a rat model for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy of lung tumours. .Applied Rad Isot 69: 394-398 , 2011.

187. Paolini A, Pasi F, , Facoetti A, Mazzini G, Di Liberto R, Corbella F, Nano R. Cell death forms and expression of immunogenic factors in U87 cells after treatments with ionizing radiation and/or chemotherapy. Anticancer Res Vol 31(11):3727-3732, 2011. Erratum in: vol 32(5). 2215, 2012 IF = 1.414

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