Università degli studi di Pavia


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Courses 2020-2021

Courses for academic year 2020-2021

Dates and links to programmes will be updated when available

Core courses

  • Biostatistics - “Statistical models useful in biomedical and behavioural research”.  For students of the 1st year, with exam. Organizer: M. Comelli (20-24 September 2021). Programme
  • Innovative technologies and bioinformatics tools for the analysis of living organisms. For students of the 1st and 2nd year. Organizers: C. Binda, S. Bione, F. Peverali (European Bionformatics Institute Course, EMBL-EBI,) course will be online. Tentaive at the end of February 2021). Course web site
  • English scientific writing. For students of the 3rd year. Organizer: Dr. Dierdre Kantz. 12 online lessons of 2 hrs each from 1/10/2021 to 17/12/29021. Programme

Advanced courses (for all the PhD students)

  • Evolution: from phenotype to molecular approaches - “Molecular phylogenetics: from genes to communities to kingdoms”. Organizers: L. Gomulski e L. Ometto (26-30 April 2021) Programme
  • Molecular microbiology  and virology - Host-virus interactions: from pathogenicity mechanisms to therapeutic opportunities and biotech applications” . Organizers: C. Calvio, R. Migliavacca and M.R. Pasca (15-21 June 2021) Programme
  • Techniques of immunocytochemistry, optical and electronic microscopy . Organizers: M. Biggioger, V. Bertone (15-18 February 2021) Programme
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